Czym jest pierwszorazowa wizyta konsultacyjna?
Wizyta konsultacyjna jest niezbędnym etapem rozpoczęcia leczenia w naszej klinice. Dlaczego?
CZYTAJ WIĘCEJ »Conservative dentistry also includes basic treatment and prevention.
At our dental centre, we are well aware that carious disease can lead to much more serious health problems. However, early recognition makes it possible to counteract them and prevent severe complications. Regular dental check-ups will ensure that you avoid major treatments and expenses. Make an appointment for a check-up at the Smile Gallery and learn about the latest oral hygiene recommendations!
Caries can result in, among other things, inflammation of the periodontal tissue. This causes swelling, severe toothache and headaches. By following the principles of oral hygiene and conservative dentistry, these unpleasant symptoms can be avoided.
In front of the mirror, it is easy to overlook small spots, which are the first sign of decay and negatively affect the aesthetics of the teeth. Lack of dental treatment can even end in the complete loss of the affected tooth!
Endodontic treatment or implantology are much more expensive than restorative dentistry. The longer you delay visiting the dentist and implementing preventive recommendations, the more you risk greater expenses in the future. You only get one natural permanent dentition!
Diseases of the teeth and gums affect the condition of the whole body. Inflammatory foci in the dentition and other nooks and crannies of the oral cavity can interfere with the cardiovascular system and coronary arteries. Tooth decay and other consequences of neglecting dental hygiene can cause a heart attack – and this is only one of many possible problems.
Regular follow-up visits are the best preventive measure. Your dentist will spot the first signs of worrying changes that may escape your attention while brushing and flossing.
You don't have to give up your favourite dishes and drinks because of acute pain! As part of conservative dentistry, we will first identify the cause of tooth hypersensitivity, and then we will prepare and implement a treatment plan that is best for you.
Caries disease develops relatively slowly, which is why recognition of early symptoms is so important. At a more advanced stage, caries effects become severe and curing it requires more complex dental treatments.
The first damage to the tooth tissue caused by caries is virtually imperceptible. However, it is not worth waiting with treatment and tooth replacement until you notice the consequences of negligence. At the Smile Gallery, we use a variety of modern cavity filling methods.
Wizyta konsultacyjna jest niezbędnym etapem rozpoczęcia leczenia w naszej klinice. Dlaczego?
CZYTAJ WIĘCEJ »Koferdam to zabezpieczenie zębów w trakcie zabiegów dentystycznych. Zobacz, czym jest!
CZYTAJ WIĘCEJ »Próchnica to najbardziej rozpowszechniona choroba zębów i jest na nią narażony każdy człowiek. Sprawdź, jak ją skutecznie wyleczyć!
CZYTAJ WIĘCEJ »Przegląd zębów to jeden z podstawowych elementów profilaktyki chorób jamy ustnej. Dzięki temu stomatolog może w porę zareagować, zapobiegając ich rozprzestrzenianiu.
CZYTAJ WIĘCEJ »Wypełnienia ubytków to jeden z najpopularniejszych zabiegów stomatologicznych. Sprawdź, jakimi metodami je wykonujemy!
CZYTAJ WIĘCEJ »Bardzo silne odczuwanie temperatury podczas spożywania zimnych lub gorących pokarmów – tak najczęściej przejawia się nadwrażliwość zębów.
CZYTAJ WIĘCEJ »Zapalenie dziąseł jest jedną z najczęściej diagnozowanych dolegliwości jamy ustnej. Nie można go jednak bagatelizować, ponieważ istnieje ryzyko, że nieleczone doprowadzi do poważnych konsekwencji – nawet w postaci utraty zębów. Jak zapobiec rozwojowi tego problemu?
CZYTAJ WIĘCEJ »Recesja dziąseł jest niezwykle poważnym schorzeniem, które nieleczone może doprowadzić do nieprzyjemnych konsekwencji. Skrajne zaniedbania grożą nawet utratą zębów, dlatego warto odwiedzić gabinet stomatologiczny od razu po zauważeniu pierwszych symptomów choroby.
CZYTAJ WIĘCEJ »Conservative dentistry
Dental surgery
Conservative dentistry
Microscopic endodontics
Conservative dentistry
Microscopic endodontics
Doctor Michał graduated with medical-dental degree from the Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin in 2015. He did his postgraduate training at the 5th Military Clinical Hospital in Kraków. From 2016 to 2018, he worked at the University Dental Clinic in Kraków. He develops his passions and interests by actively participating in many courses and trainings in the field of Conservative Dentistry , Endodontics and Prosthodontics. As a doctor, he strives to take an individual approach to each patient’s needs so that they feel comfortable and actively participate in their treatment. Privately, he is interested in rock climbing.
Conservative dentistry
Microscopic endodontics
Conservative dentistry
Conservative dentistry
My work is my passion. I have directed my interests primarily towards conservative and aesthetic dentistry. I know how important it is for the patient to consciously participate in the treatment process, which is why I spend a lot of time explaining the problem and treatment options to the patient – in an accessible way, so that everything is understandable for the patient.
Based on a detailed examination, I prepare a treatment plan for the patient, then we implement the assumptions of the presented schedule. My aim is to make the treatment painless and as pleasant as possible for the patient. I performed my work as I myself would like to be treated as a patient.
My contacts with patients are based on mutual trust and reliability, always trying to provide a friendly atmosphere and professional care. The end of treatment is always a great moment, not only for the patient but also for me.
The sight of a patient happy and satisfied with the effects of the treatment gives me great satisfaction and motivates me to continue my work.
Conservative dentistry
Mucosal diseases
fillings/seals | from 240 PLN |
root canal treatment | from 800 PLN |
traditional anaesthesia | 50 PLN |