Wybielanie zębów – cena za profesjonalny zabieg w gabinecie
Nowoczesna stomatologia zna mnóstwo sposobów na trwałe, a przy tym bezpieczne dla pacjenta wybielanie zębów. Cena zabiegu kształtuje się pod wpływem szeregu zmiennych.
CZYTAJ WIĘCEJ »Are you not completely satisfied with the appearance of your teeth? Come to our dental care centre!
At the Smile Gallery in Nowy Sącz, we have the right team of specialists and tools to ensure that every patient who wants to take care of their teeth aesthetics can leave our office with a wide and spectacular smile. Extensive technological facilities, medical care and a wide range of aesthetic dentistry procedures will make your teeth beautiful and healthy!
Discoloration, crooked teeth or cavities are a real problem not only because of aesthetics. Spontaneity disappears, fear of others' opinion appears. Take advantage of professional treatment and go through life with a wide smile!
Our office employs dentists with different specialties. The Smile Nowy Sącz Centre provides its patients with comprehensive care and maximum lasting effects of the treatments carried out.
All treatments are carried out according to strict procedures. We work with modern equipment and top-quality materials. In each case, we develop an individual plan of subsequent treatments that will bring the teeth to perfect condition.
First, we get to know the condition of the teeth and the patient himself – starting with health issues, and ending with expectations towards the teeth appearance. In some cases, the effects will be visible already after the first visit, in others a whole series of treatments and a treatment process planned for several months may be necessary. It all starts with examinations and consultations, which result in a comprehensive treatment plan.
Whitening options carried out at Galeria Uśmiechu in Nowy Sącz
The patient receives special dental trays, prepared based on a scan of the inside of the mouth and the impression taken. Before application, they must be soaked in a special gel (or other whitening preparation). The overlays wear duration and frequency of subsequent applications will be determined by the dentist.
It not only changes the colour of the teeth, but also restores the enamel. It requires, among others use of a special toothpaste, irradiation with a special lamp and later wearing of whitening trays at home. A cosmetic dentistry specialist will determine how long and how often they will need to be worn to achieve the expected results.
Camouflage treatment is a minimally invasive procedure, perfect for all types of chipping, chipping and similar damage to the surface of the teeth. The reconstruction process with the use of properly selected composites is accompanied by reduction of discoloration and gentle whitening. Bonding is performed for patients with full dentition and no malocclusion. A more advanced method from this category is Flow Injection - it enables a complete metamorphosis of teeth during one visit. The injection of a special composite allows, among other things, to:
reshape teeth;
improve tooth colour;
remove gaps between teeth (diastema).
Cosmetic teeth restoration in the anterior section using bonding.
Closing diastemas and improving the colour and shape of teeth with all-ceramic veneers.
A new, beautiful and white smile of a patient who had full-ceramic veneers done.
Improving the colour and shape of teeth in the upper and lower arch with all-ceramic veneers.
Cosmetic teeth restoration in the upper arch using all-ceramic veneers.
A patient with the problem of the so-called microteeth, where the teeth in the upper arch were esthetically improved with the use of full-ceramic veneers.
Correction of gums and improvement of the colour and shape of teeth with use of all-ceramic veneers.
Aesthetic improvement in the upper arch with all-ceramic veneers.
Nowoczesna stomatologia zna mnóstwo sposobów na trwałe, a przy tym bezpieczne dla pacjenta wybielanie zębów. Cena zabiegu kształtuje się pod wpływem szeregu zmiennych.
CZYTAJ WIĘCEJ »Pacjenci, którzy chcą poprawić estetykę swojego uśmiechu, mogą zdecydować się na licówki kompozytowe. Mówimy, jakie są wskazania oraz przeciwwskazania do zabiegu.
CZYTAJ WIĘCEJ »Licówki porcelanowe to rozwiązanie, które przywraca zębom estetyczny wygląd. Decydują się na nie osoby chcące uniknąć długiego leczenia stomatologicznego i oczekujące spektakularnych efektów.
CZYTAJ WIĘCEJ »Jednym z szybszych sposobów, by osiągnąć ten efekt, są licówki ceramiczne. Jeśli interesuje cię ten zabieg, już dzisiaj umów się na konsultację.
CZYTAJ WIĘCEJ »W naszym centrum stomatologicznym poprawiamy uśmiechy pacjentów. Osoby, które korzystają z naszego wsparcia, bardzo często decydują się na licówki, zyskując tym samym piękny kształt i białe zęby.
CZYTAJ WIĘCEJ »Nasze centrum stomatologiczne oferuje pacjentom wiele zabiegów, które poprawiają estetykę ich uśmiechu. Jedną z naszych propozycji jest overlay kompozytowy.
CZYTAJ WIĘCEJ »Onlay kompozytowy to rodzaj wypełnienia, dzięki któremu można uzupełnić nawet bardzo duży ubytek. Stanowi nowoczesne rozwiązanie i daje estetyczny, a jednocześnie niemal niewidoczny efekt. Już teraz skontaktuj się z naszym centrum stomatologicznym, by umówić konsultację lekarską.
CZYTAJ WIĘCEJ »Współczesna stomatologia estetyczna dysponuje wieloma metodami naprawy uszkodzonych zębów. Jedną z nich jest inlay kompozytowy, czyli wypełnienie pomocne przy usuwaniu dużych ubytków. Ten sposób wykorzystujemy również w Galerii Uśmiechu. Czym jest i kto może na nim skorzystać?
CZYTAJ WIĘCEJ »Picie kawy i herbaty, a także palenie papierosów przyczyniają się do powstawania nieestetycznych przebarwień. Są one niemożliwe do usunięcia w domu, dlatego w Galerii Uśmiechu oferujemy wybielanie zębów sprawdzonymi metodami, które przywracają biel zębów. Dowiedz się o nim więcej i przekonaj się, że śnieżnobiały uśmiech nie jest trudny do osiągnięcia!
CZYTAJ WIĘCEJ »Wiele osób często nie zdaje sobie sprawy, jak szybko można uzyskać nieskazitelny, biały uśmiech. Jedną z metod jest bonding, czyli nieinwazyjny i bezpieczny zabieg z zakresu stomatologii estetycznej. Jak się go przeprowadza i na jakie efekty można liczyć?
CZYTAJ WIĘCEJ »Implantology
Cosmetic dentistry
Digital Smile Design Specialist
Cosmetic dentistry
Digital Smile Design Specialist
He completed his medical studies in 1995 at the Faculty of Dentistry of the Jagiellonian University’s Collegium Medicum in Kraków. Graduate of numerous training courses, includingImplantology Curriculum at Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt. General dentistry specialist, passionate about photography, patient communication and comprehensive treatment planning.
Since 2007 , the owner of one of the most modern aesthetic dentistry clinics in Poland – “Smile Gallery”, co-founder and president of the Association of Polish Dentistry Leaders, member of the Polish Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry and the Polish Implantology Association.
He is the first practitioner and lecturer of the Digital Smile Design method in Poland. Using patient communication skills, he creates his own proprietary programme to guide patient treatment in line with the idea of visual communication. Combining different areas of dentistry, he coordinates and plans the patient treatments at our clinic.
He has been providing DSD training since 2013, introducing the method as a standard to many dental practices in Poland.
Cosmetic dentistry
Cosmetic dentistry
Associated with the Smile Gallery, since October 2019, he deals with prosthetic treatment, implant prosthetics and cosmetic dentistry. He is a graduate of the Collegium Medicum of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Faculty of Medicine, majoring in Medicine and Dentistry. He holds the title of Specialist in Dental Prosthodontics, confirmed by the National Specialist Examination.
Doctor Konrad is also a member of ITI (International Team for Implantology), which is the largest implantology organization in the world. He enriches his professional experience by constantly improving his qualifications through numerous trainings and conferences.
Thanks to his extensive experience, with full commitment he plans and undertakes the treatment of difficult cases in the field of complex treatment (implant-prosthetic) and aesthetic treatment (crowns, all-ceramic veneers). He is passionate about modern digital prosthetics, from planning (designing a smile in accordance with Digital Smile Design) to execution of all-ceramic prosthetic restorations (intraoral scanners, modern milled works).
He is guided by the motto that “when planning a comprehensive treatment, the most important thing is to establish a detailed treatment plan with the patient and plan the aesthetics of new prosthetic restorations before starting invasive, irreversible procedures – the aesthetics is selected by the patient, while the function is planned by the doctor”.
Dr. Konrad’s passions, apart from dentistry, are sport (especially football) and mountain expeditions with his immediate family.
Digital dentistry
Cosmetic dentistry
Digital dentistry
Cosmetic dentistry
According to Dr. Katarzyna, every Patient deserves a beautiful and healthy smile, which will boost their self-esteem and confidence. She designs new smiles using the Digital Smile Design (DSD) system – the best solution in the world, based on the use of digital technology. When designing a new smile, she uses dental photography and special software. As a result of digital design (DSD), it is possible to try on and view a new smile before beginning treatment.
Doctor Katarzyna attaches great importance to thorough diagnostics and treatment planning, which provides high-class diagnostic facilities at the Smile Gallery, including computer tomograph, intraoral scanner, diagnostic camera and an interdisciplinary team of doctors specializing in prosthetics, orthodontists, implantologists, surgeon.
Her experience, work system and modern tools guarantee patients the effects corresponding to their needs and expectations.
digital impression and digital models | 270 PLN |
DSD individual smile design | 900 PLN |
wax-up (1 arc) | 1 300 PLN |
wax-up (2 arcs) | 2 400 PLN |
bridges and crowns | from 1400 PLN |
veneers | from 1300 PLN |
bonding | from 750 PLN |
Informujemy, że w dniach 24 grudnia – 29 grudnia 2024 nasza klinika będzie zamknięta. Wracamy do Państwa 30 grudnia (poniedziałek) i zapraszamy w standardowych godzinach otwarcia kliniki.
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