Dental implants Nowy Sącz

Cavities and teeth loss are a serious problems, but they can be managed

High-quality dental implants look and function just like natural teeth. Take advantage of the opportunities offered by theGaleria Uśmiechu!

We employ highly qualified specialists, we use modern technologies and the best available materials. Expenses incurred for  implants, treat it as an investment in everyday comfort, health and aesthetic effect. Find out how much you can gain from professional dental implantology!.

The biggest advantages of implantology

You can eat, laugh and enjoy life just as much as you would with complete natural teeth. Why is it worth using the services of experienced specialists in this field?

No damage to natural teeth

The filing, or stripping of the teeth, necessary for traditional crowns and bridges, sometimes causes complications. It is safer to use modern advances in science and technology. Dental implants for permanent crowns are also much more durable than traditional solutions.

Comfort and aesthetics

For many people, the ultimate argument is simply convenience. They ensure easy chewing, clear speech, freedom to smile and self-confidence. They can look identical to your natural teeth! After treatment at the New Sącz Smile Gallery you will forget about your dental problems.

No facial deformities

The loss of a natural tooth causes a slow atrophy of the jawbone or mandible, which is caused by a lack of adequate pressure. Artificial roots, such as dental implants, prevent serious deformities. See also other implantology solutions offered at the Smile Gallery.

Implantology at the highest standards of the dental art

What can you expect before treatment at our dental centre?

In implantology, new solutions and technologies appear regularly, which will also be used by patients in our offices. At the Smile Gallery, we will take your individual needs into account. On site, you will receive a complete set of information necessary to make a binding decision regarding the procedure.

Dental implant placement - stages of the procedure

Artificial root insertion is slightly different each time, depending on the type of cavity, among other things. The Smile Gallery is staffed by experienced implant specialists who know how to carry out the subsequent steps. Sometimes things happen at lightning speed, but there are times when precision is required at a slower pace. We are fully aware of this! Treatments consist of several basic stages:
preparation of an individual treatment plan
selection of implants and crowns
placement of the tooth implant
3-6 month recovery
attachment of the permanent crown to the dental implant.

How do you look after your new teeth?

You will receive detailed medical recommendations after each treatment. Follow these them and follow the basic principles of oral hygiene, and you will soon notice a marked improvement in your quality of life in many different areas. Tooth implants are corrosion-resistant and contain no harmful substances. Remember that they require thorough cleaning - just like natural dentition.

Don't be afraid of the pain!

For our team of specialists, the patient comes first. We will carefully study your problems and expectations, and, after comprehensive research, we will present you available solutions and comparison of costs. We work with a range of suppliers of professional equipment and materials to give patients a real choice.

Why choose the Smile Gallery?

Our team in Nowy Sącz is made up of specialists who are relentless in their professional development. We have modern equipment and the right facilities to place new dental implants quickly and permanently. We welcome children, adults and seniors! Contact us at your convenience or instantly schedule an appointment via the website - it takes just a few clicks!

Why choose the Smile Gallery?

Our team in Nowy Sącz is made up of specialists who are relentless in their professional development. We have modern equipment and the right facilities to place new dental implants quickly and permanently. We welcome children, adults and seniors! Contact us at your convenience or instantly schedule an appointment via the website – it takes just a few clicks!

At our dental centre, health and safety are of the utmost importance.

If you are going to us for implants, you have nothing to worry about. We use local anaesthesia and post-procedure pain is eliminated in 70% of cases with just one tablet. All components are thoroughly tested and their quality is certified.

Our implantologists

Tomasz Rozwadowski

Cosmetic dentistry
Digital Smile Design Specialist

Sergiusz Połuchtowicz-Hański

Oral surgery

Ewa Piskorz

Oral surgery

How long does implant treatment take?

Following implantation, the implant takes 3 to 6 months to fully integrate into the bone.

During this period, follow-up visits with an implantologist are important, who will monitor the healing process.

Price list

tooth extractionfrom 290 PLN
extraction of a retained toothfrom 650 PLN
implantsfrom 3200 PLN

Enjoy a full smile at any age!

Book a consultation and see if you qualify for treatment.

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Informujemy, że w dniach 24 grudnia – 29 grudnia 2024 nasza klinika będzie zamknięta. Wracamy do Państwa 30 grudnia (poniedziałek) i zapraszamy w standardowych godzinach otwarcia kliniki.

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