Prevention and dental hygiene Nowy Sącz

Remember that daily brushing is not all that you can do for your teeth!

Teeth hygiene will allow you to enjoy a healthy and beautiful smile. Schedule an appointment with our specialists and take advantage of our extensive range of hygiene treatments. Tartar removal, sandblasting, fluoridation and varnishing are a few steps to keeping teeth in good condition.

Why is it worth it?

Prevention and hygiene provide many benefits for the patient.

Greater teeth resistance

Dental checkups enable early detection of cavities or periodontal diseases. Oral hygiene treatments carried out in the office increase the resistance to tooth decay.

Aesthetic smile

Removing tartar, plaque, discolouration improves teeth appearance, which translates into improved well-being and building self-confidence.

Gum and periodontal protection

Oral hygiene also serves to protect the gums - preventing them from receding and exposing the teeth necks.

Is dental hygienization a safe procedure?

The hygienization treatments carried out at our centre are completely safe and tailored to your needs.

It is recommended to visit the dental office at least once a year and put yourself in the hands of a professional who will remove tartar, accumulated plaque, and leftover food from the gum pockets. Before proceeding with the teeth cleaning, we perform an oral examination, and check whether there are any cavities. Treatments are carried out on healthy, treated teeth.

Stages of dental hygiene treatment

Hygiene instruction

A set of recommendations, including brushing techniques and dental hygiene products individually matched to the patient's needs.


The first stage of treatment is scaling, otherwise known as tartar removal. Depending on your needs and capabilities, we perform mechanical, ultrasonic, laser and chemical scaling. Tartar is mainly deposited in the interdental spaces and around the gums. Its removal is of great importance for the condition of the teeth - preventing the development of tooth decay, periodontitis, bleeding gums, and bad breath.


Sandblasting has the task of removing coffee, tea and cigarettes tarnish, as well as various types of discoloration. The treatment is carried out using a sandblaster from which water, air and cleaning particles are released under pressure. The combination of scaling and sandblasting gives the effect of teeth whitening.


An application of a gel, foam or varnish with a high concentration of fluoride in order to strengthen the teeth and protect them against tooth decay.

Post-treatment management

Our specialists performing the oral hygienization procedure will provide you with instructions on what to do next. This will be usually abstaining from eating and drinking for a certain period of time, and even following a white diet for a few days. Sometimes it is recommended to use a special toothpaste that eliminates the hypersensitivity of freshly cleaned teeth or medicated rinses if there is bleeding from the gums or pain, e.g. when eating.

Skaling i piaskowanie – kompendium wiedzy

Skaling i piaskowanie to dwa ważne zabiegi dentystyczne, które pomagają utrzymać zdrowie jamy ustnej i piękno uśmiechu. W naszym artykule skupimy się na każdym aspekcie tych procedur – od ich znaczenia, przez częstotliwość, aż po proces wykonania.


Ile zębów można leczyć naraz?

Ile zębów można leczyć naraz? To pytanie, które wielu pacjentów zadaje sobie przed wizytą u dentysty. Poznaj kluczowe informacje, które pomogą podjąć świadome decyzje dotyczące twojego zdrowia jamy ustnej. Zapamiętaj! Leczenie wielu zębów jednocześnie Kiedy decydujesz się na wizytę u dentysty, często zastanawiasz się, ile zębów można leczyć naraz. Odpowiedź nie jest jednoznaczna i zależy […]


Dental hygienization in Nowy Sącz

At our Smile Gallery centre, we offer oral hygienisation treatments, thanks to which you will take care of the health and beautiful appearance of your teeth.

Our services are available to patients of all ages, children and adults and seniors. Specialists will assess the oral cavity condition and select an appropriate treatment. You can be sure that we will take care of your well-being before, during and after the procedure, making you look in the mirror with pleasure and you’ll certainly come back for more.

Sylwia Czajkowska


Joanna Maj-Gospodarczyk


Ewelina Tokarz

Dental assistant

Żaneta Cabak

Dental assistant

Price list

hygienization visit according to the GBT protocol (examination+sanding+scaling, polishing, fluoridation)380 PLN
fluoridation-varnishingfrom 200 PLN
tartar removalfrom 250 PLN
teeth whiteningfrom 1000 PLN

Do you want to enjoy the healthy and aesthetic appearance of your teeth and gums?

Schedule a checkup.
